Entrepreneurs Of Pakistan

Amjad Saqib- Founder Of Akhuwat Foundation

Amjad Saqib

Amjad Saqib is a social entrepreneur and philanthropist from Pakistan. He is the founder of the Akhuwat Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides interest-free loans to people in need. The organization has helped thousands of people in Pakistan to start their own businesses, become financially independent, and improve their standard of living.

Saqib is a former civil servant and has also worked for various international development organizations. He has received several awards for his work, including the Ramon Magsaysay Award, which is often referred to as Asia’s Nobel Prize, and the Sitara-i-Imtiaz, one of the highest civilian awards in Pakistan. Saqib is also a member of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council in Pakistan.

Amjad Saqib was born in 1956 in Jhang, Pakistan. He completed his early education in Jhang and then went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. He later completed a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University in the United States.

Saqib joined the civil service of Pakistan in 1980 and worked in various government departments, including the Planning Commission and the National Reconstruction Bureau. He also worked for international development organizations such as the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme.

In 2001, Saqib founded the Akhuwat Foundation, which is based on the principle of “Qarz-e-Hasana” (interest-free loan) in Islamic finance. The organization provides interest-free loans to people who are unable to access traditional financial services, particularly those living in poverty. Akhuwat Foundation has since become one of the largest interest-free microfinance providers in the world and has helped more than 7 million people in Pakistan.

Apart from his work with Akhuwat Foundation, Saqib has also been involved in various other initiatives to promote education, health, and social welfare in Pakistan. He has served on several boards and committees of non-profit organizations and has received numerous awards for his contributions to society.

Saqib is widely regarded as a social entrepreneur and a visionary leader in Pakistan. His work with Akhuwat Foundation has inspired many other organizations to adopt the interest-free microfinance model and has had a significant impact on poverty alleviation in the country.