Entrepreneurs Of Pakistan

Seema Aziz-Founder of Sefam

Seema Aziz

In 1985, She started off a business venture with her brother very modestly to prove that Pakistan can produce world’s finest fabrics. 25 years down the lane when Forbes published an article on life and achievements of this Amazing Pakistani, she had proven much more about this country.

Her company, Sefam is today considered to be one of most successful Pakistani textile brands both in local market and in international markets. She went even further and started an NGO by name of CARE Foundation which is today managing 190 schools, educating more than 135,000 children and providing higher studies scholarships to more than 800 students.

She has proven to be an excellent entrepreneur, whose work and commitment to Pakistan is an inspiration to this nation, particularly young generation. She has proven that this country holds limitless opportunities for those who want to explore them. Her business continues to expand and her social venture continues to help others realize their dreams in life.